Buena Botanicals

Instagram Handle: https://www.instagram.com/buenabotanicals/
Owner's Race: Black
Website: https://www.buenabotanicals.com/
Gender: Woman
Shipping: U.S.
We are a family-owned cannabis lifestyle brand started in 2019 by twin sisters, Coral and Rah. We wanted to create a business seeded in our common passion for holistic healing, community, self-determination, plant medicine, and love for Mama Earth. We invite you to grow with us in rediscovering all the healing nature has to offer and our connection to each other. We are reclaiming our power to truly live our best lives! Our products are infused with Organic Full Spectrum CBD oil. The Hemp used to make our CBD is USDA certified Organic, hand-harvested, eco-responsible, and ethically grown right here in the U.S.